Grace Lever Identity Project Webinar Review

Welcome to Grace Lever’s Identity Project review page.

Here you will find the testimonials of some of the lovely ladies in Grace Lever’s community who have built their businesses through the Identity Project training…

These women are taking being a female entrepreneur to a whole new level.

Over at we love sharing everyone’s wins and receiving feedback through reviews.

Most of the Identity Project reviews that you have seen below are from women that have watched Grace Lever’s free Identity Project webinar and joined Grace in the journey of ‘doing’.

Just like Stessa, who has found the Identity Project useful for discipline and to implement the strategies she has learned to grow her business.

Keep scrolling down for the Identity Project reviews and the experiences that these amazing women have shared.








“A year of networking, workshops, trialling courses and redesigning has finally got me to my dream day. A school Principal has just signed up for her staff to do my 4 week Mindfulness course in May.

I left teaching 6 years ago and this has always been my goal to take the tools I use back to teachers. 3 more schools in the diary to meet with too. Permission to have bubbles tonight please!”


“It has taken so much courage and hard lessons learned over the year – inside the Doing Academy and before – to get to the point where pushing forward and taking action and offering my gifts the best I am able to…has more momentum than my fears or procrastinations.

Thank you to everyone in this group for your presence and support. I’m feeling in a whole new way today how ‘doing’ matters.”


“Thank you SO much! I love that you really do reach out to those who have joined your community. Cannot tell you how excited I am to get this baby launched.”


“Thank you so much, this is amazing. Loving these tips on just day 2 of joining the group.”


“What I am realising and what I appreciate about this course is that it helps me work it out with more focused discipline, clarity and methodically so this is exactly what I needed.

It’s all in my head and written down here and there as notes in my business planning journal but now it’s more fine turned what you are teaching and enables me to implement it more systematically and in a more organised business-like manner.”


“Since joining the Do-ers back in November, there’s been ups and downs in business, as is the nature. My head has never been more excited by the prospect of automation and less t-rex typing and creating passive income from two new funnels.

With new FB Campaigns, video views, and website clicks at 0.03c a click, we are now the #1 Educational App in South Africa, #2 Educational App in Australia and our Facebook page likes just hit 40k!

It’s so nice to be able to share and be proud! Thanks gorgeous ladies.”


“I can’t tell you how incredibly grateful I am for coming across your FB ad and discovering you and the Identity Project. It has been life changing and the best money I have ever spent on my business.”


“I just wants to thank you for all the great information and inspiration so far. For the first time in a long time, I’ve felt really motivated and excited about what I can achieve with my business (instead of feeling overwhelmed and confused).”


“Woo hoo! 3 hours, 9 videos, multiple tech challenges and non stop learning curve… got so much easier after the first few.

Big takeaway – speak to the camera like you are speaking with a friend. And don’t wriggle around! Wow, it shows up on camera if you do.

So much learned from this amazing group and Grace Lever.”


“Thank you sooooo much! I feel this course has already changed me as a person let alone it changing my life and my lifestyle! Thank you for making this course and helping people like me! Thanks a million!”